A Change in Plans
Do you have a plan? It can be a running plan or a life plan, some kind of well thought out way for you to live out your week/ month/...

Running with my Boy
It has been a long time since I have done any writing. I've been busy getting my daughter ready to go off to college, I've been busy at...

The Think System
This past week was the West Irondequoit High School’s musical performance of The Music Man. My daughter, Erika, is a senior this year...

The Lion, the Crane, and the Woodpecker
I am in marathon training mode and that means a delicate balance of long runs, speed work, strength training, and tempos. I had my long...

Eagles, Cranes and Spider Poop
It is so easy to get lost when running. I don’t mean physically getting off course and not knowing where we are, I mean, getting lost in...

I Ran with Ryan Hall
I couldn't believe it when I saw the announcement on Facebook: Ryan Hall would be doing a running clinic, 5K and dinner talk at my alma...

Never Give Up
I qualified for Boston in 2011 in Rochester with a marathon time of 3:47:12. Since then I have become a certified running coach and...

Therapy Miles
I had a rough day yesterday. Nothing terrible, but just a general feeling of mild depression. I felt like I failed a friend, I was...

Dreams to Goals
If you look up the word "dream" in the dictionary, you'll see that one of the definitions is to contemplate the possibility of doing...

Dreams Can Come True
I love to read in the morning, especially books that inspire me to dream and help me find ways to realize my dreams. I’m currently...